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优秀化验员自我评价 篇1

In August this year, I came to the - hospital laboratory work, the first probationary period is full, do a laboratory trial period summary. In the probation period, do everything we can, from the little things to start, from me to help others, to establish the image of college students four good youth.

First, establish and improve the laboratory rules and regulations, standardize the behavior of laboratory personnel

Before I came, not a full-time inspectors, so the rules and regulations in the laboratory is not perfect. In order to standardize the laboratory, I establish and improve the rules and regulations of laboratories and laboratory personnel code of conduct, standardize the reporting methods, and clear laboratory personnel responsibilities and obligations, so that the laboratory gradually into the standardization.

Second, careful and meticulous, and constantly improve the level of volunteer service

Take the blood routine, the manual method is to count the cells with a microscope, do one to half an hour, I will do the average of two reports, so to do a blood routine will take an hour. The instrument is regularly maintained, maintained and cleaned, and the service life is extended. In order to avoid errors due to wrong take, wrong to see the specimen caused by the accident, for inpatient specimens, I strictly implement the "three check three pairs" system.

Third, to strengthen learning, theory and practice will be combined

Most of the projects in the lab were original manual operations, and many of the methods and operations I just listened to the teacher said how to do in order to adapt to work as soon as possible, I read a lot of information and books to find the manual operation of various projects, In the existing equipment, equipment to improve the work of the method, the cumbersome operation of simplification, and repeated practice, in the shortest possible time in a variety of manual control, greatly improving the efficiency.

Fourth, actively participate in various voluntary activities.

We volunteer and support volunteers to visit the village with the poor students, to collect information and help; to visit and condolences to the five guarantees for the elderly; and epidemic prevention colleagues under the village of vaccines, health and epidemic prevention health knowledge to thousands of households.

3 months probationary period fleeting, I would like to summarize the work through the laboratory probationary period, thanks to the leadership of support, and colleagues to help. I believe this will be my next life on the road the most valuable spiritual wealth.

优秀化验员自我评价 篇2

Four years of study and life is coming to an end. In personal efforts and the teacher's teaching, as well as the help of students, I completed a successful completion of the various courses, recycling, have advantages to be inherited, there are insufficient to learn to improve.

In my studies, I majored in chemistry and chemical education related courses and experiments. Selected courses in education, psychology, philosophy, Deng theory. After commemorating the diligent theoretical study, I mastered the basic knowledge of chemistry, and successfully passed the assessment of the courses. Educational practice, I will learn the theory of knowledge and flexible use of practice, careful study of teaching methods, and actively in-depth class, humbly ask the teachers. In teaching progress quickly, by the praise of teachers and students, internships outstanding results. At work: I served as Secretary of the League branch, the Department of Discipline Inspection Minister of the post. Successfully organized a number of classes inside and outside the collective activities, work seriously responsible for the students and teachers were good level. During the university, organized lectures, discussions, theatrical performances and other activities. In my leadership and the support of the students with the help of our class many times was named the College "outstanding League branch."

In ideology, actively close to the party organization, convinced that under the leadership of the party, society can continue to progress. In view of the work, study, ideological highlights, I joined the Communist Party of China in , positive response to the call of the party, to become a good student party members.

Years of college life, exercise, I also created me, I developed a diligent, rigorous study and work style. Meticulous work attitude, as well as keen ability to observe and deal with things.

优秀化验员自我评价 篇3


本人性格开朗乐观,对待工作积极进取,能够吃苦耐劳,待人坦诚,具有较强的人际 交 往能力和对环境的适应能力,掌握一些office常用软件的使用,勇于实践和探索,并具 有团队协作的精神。对于所学专业,具有勤于思考,塌实肯干的精神,尤其在产品检验方面了解和掌握。