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英语读后感 篇1





英文读后感 篇2

In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,

in this film I learn two things 。First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be strong.Second confidence can make everything be true,

I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.

英语读后感 篇3









英文读后感 篇4

So amazing!

Janpan is an earthquake country.Its normal thing that the ground shake. In Japan,People can practice with an earthquake event.

Meanwhil,In China,rumours were rife that they had met with a terrible disaster and that all were dead.(i.e.)The sale are suddenly in high demand.

Whats so amazing!That anyone should believe such a strange rumour is amazing.

英文读后感 篇5

“Hills Like White Elephants”,one of Hemingway’s terrific works,is a story that happens at a train station in the Ebro River valley of Spain.An American and his girlfriendare drinking beers and having a conversation when they are waiting for the train.In the dialogue,the young man’s attempt of convincing the girl Jig to take an operation has caused a lot of arguments.Though they are not explicit about what this operation really is,I consider this operation an abortion.

The conversation between them suggests that they are talking about an abortion.In the text,the man says it is an awfully simple operation and “it is just to let the air in” (Hemingway,373).“To let the air in” is a process of vacuum aspiration in America in the 1920s,whichis commonly used as a method of induced abortion.What is more,in their argument,Jig says,“Once they take it away,you never get it back”(Hemingway,374).The man also makes it clear that he does not want anyone else but her.And this statement indicates a third person is involved.What could be the thing taken away in an operation that you may still want it back?Whocould come to get in their life if the girl does not take the operation?All wecan come up with is a baby.The man does not want a baby before they settle down,before he is ready to take the responsibility of raising a family.And Jig is still struggling about whether to take this operation or not in their debates.So this is an operation to take the unexpected baby away---abortion.

Sceneries between the two lines of the rails are also indications of their two different choices in one side,there is no shade and no trees but only barren land stretching toward the the other side,the land is covered with green,fertile fields and river.Barren is used to describe a woman who is unable to produce children while fertile represents female’s capability of producing babies.If Jig agrees to take the operation,then the baby will no longer exist and thus making her barren.But if she chooses not to,then she will be consider as a fertile woman who is able to produce babies.That is to say the two totallyoppositeviews symbolize their dilemma of the pregnancy --- infertile or fecund,undergo the abortion or not.

The title of this story itself is a metaphor implying this is an abortion.White elephant denotes something thatis completely burdensome,although it may be precious enough.And here in this text,the white elephant is the symbol of a baby-valuable but troublesome.There is no doubt that the baby is a treasure.But the fact is that they are a young couple traveling around the world without a place to settle down.They have neither enough time nor energy to take care of a baby.Even if they don’t have to worry about those material conditions,they are not psychologically ready yet.Problems like “requirements of being qualified parents” has never occurred in their minds.Based on both physical and psychology circumstances of the young couple,we can see that the baby is precious but also a burden.Hence the white elephant here is an intimation of an abortion.

The phrase “to let the air in” makes it quite clear that this is an abortion.And during their debates,we can get to know someone is involved in this young couple and the American is trying to get awayfromthis third person by requesting Jig to take the operation.Furthermore,the two different landscapes on the two sides of the rails is also foreshadowing us theoutcome of Jig’s choice.Take it,she is ,fertile.And the white elephantbecomes emblematic of a baby that could be a sweet burden in their life.This symbol strengthen the operation that has been talked about in the whole story is an abortion.With all these factors integrated together,we can conclude this is an abortion.

英文读后感 篇6

In response to the call of the "March 8, march day," series of activities to "read a good book", I once again look back on the famous book, gone with the wind, which I loved most when I was a teenager.

"Gone with the wind" is a novel about war. More specifically, this is a novel based on the American civil war. The people who saw gone with the wind were all impressed by scarlett, who was still bright and strong in the war, but I was always fascinated by the man named rhett.

