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北京英语导游词 篇1

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all, there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you, the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven. (Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar)

The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven, the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of

successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why?

The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind, and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being. The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specific

北京故宫英语导游词 篇2

Each visitor:

How are you,welcome you to Peking to travel,I am your guide DAVID.

The National Palace Museam covers 720,000 square meters and constructs the area as 163,000 square meters among them,the south north grows 961 meters,and the thing breadth is all 753 meters,around have a 10 meters high city wto surround,also have the breadth the moat of 52 meters,all set up an elegant Cape building in four capes.

According to the statistics in 1973,the National Palace Museam has the size courtyard more than 90s,the house contains 980 and adds up to 8704.

The Ming Dynasty's emperor Zhu Di of Yung-loh mounts the throne soon,four years in Yung-loh,is also issue imperial edict to construct Forbidden City in Peking in 1406.

Build to is divided into two stages,the first stage starts getting the materials readying for four years from Yung-loh,while the second stage is 15 years in Yung-loh,start beginning to work to build in June,1417,last for 14 years,on 18 years in Yung-loh,complete work in 1420.

In the process of constructing in,collected a whole country 100,000 ability the work clever artisan and people's man is 100 myriad people,but construct materials to all come from the whole whole country,for example man white the jade come to building mountain in Peking,the gold brick comes from Suzhou,the lime comes from easy state in Hebei,the many colors tiger skin stone comes from thistle county dish mountain in Hebei,the Jing brick used by palace radicle comes from Shandong to face pure,the pines come from more northeast,while Nan woods come from Sichuan more,expensive cloud,etc.

ground in Zhejiang,it is thus clear that at that time engineering of huge.

National Palace Museam basically is according to clear in all the blue print of imperial palace but build,the layout programming followed《week gift·test work to account》all city design gift system:The front is backward sleep,left Zu right agency.

Mostly is divided into two southern northern parts,south half part front dynasty,north half department then is empress sleep.

Front the dynasty is an ether with,the moderate,protecting is two wings for thing for center,the text China palace and Wu Ying Dian with three greatest palaces,is an emperor to hold a dynasty meeting of place.

And then tomb then with Gan pure,hand over Tai and Kun rather this empress three palaces and things six temples,resist a garden for center,outside east road,outside west the building of the road is lord,is an emperor to handle day-to-day affairs and empress temple the emperor imperial concubine live,offer sacrifices to of place.

The left Zu right agency sets up like this:The east side is an emperor outside the noon door worship of ancestors of place ancestral temple,west side then nation altar in the place of fiesta nation.

According to this kind of National Palace Museam that sets up to construct but become is two 24 pure imperial palaces of emperors clearly,among them,the Ming Dynasty is 14,the Manchu Dynasty is 10,rules time for altogether as long as five centuries.

Its elegant building community in historical and special position in China and it,so becoming top scale in world is the biggest in the middle of aring taught the section text the organization by United Nations to register《the cultural inheritance in world records》for 1987 yearses and keeps the most complete palatial building cluster.

There is one piercing through in Peking now southern north of in the stalk line be thought into a Sir by the beam to be called great of medium stalk line,all grow 8.

5 kilometers,south always settle door,north arrive clock building,among them,emperor's city including National Palace Museam had 1/3.

This in the stalk line is also called Long Mai,on-line view mountain is inside the central point of city is also mountain in the town of National Palace Museam.

We are sometimes called National Palace Museam Forbidden City,while does its name how get?The our country ancient astronomer is divided into three Yuans of main fixed stars on the sky,four elephants and 28 constellations.

Three Yuans are too tiny Yuan,purple tiny Yuan and Yuan in sky City.

Among them,the crape myrtle Yuan is in the middle the place that the sky emperor lives,be called a purple temple.

The feudalism emperor king claims to be for a sky,the son of emperor,so they is also a purple temple on the sky the imperial palace symbol that they live.

And the emperor lives of the place is high security,forbid commons the common people approach,is an absolute forbidden ground,and then be called to forbid a temple,so be also called Forbidden City here.

北京故宫英语导游词 篇3

Each visitor:

Hello everyone,I am the guide from the spring travel agency we will visit the Forbidden City,please don't throw rubbish to the Palace Museum tour.Thank you very much!Has now reached the Forbidden City,please don't speak.The Forbidden City in Beijing city center,used to be called the Forbidden City,is the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace,is the world largest living,building the most magnificent,the most complete ancient palace complex.Ming yongle palace was built in four 14 years to build.Two most of the points of the imperial palace imperial dynasty,the imperial household.

Follow in the etheric and,neutralization,and three main halls as the center,the mandarin,wu and the temple for flank.Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity,tai temple,palace of earthly tranquility after for three palace,and the east sixth,west,CiNing sixth,tranquility and palace,palace,imperial garden,etc.I have today a visit to the end.I sincerely hope everyone happy,happy forever thank you!

北京英文导游词 篇4

Hi!Welcome to Beijing!

Do you know what is the han folk in China.

Chinese han nationality folk, extremely widespread, festival performances in more. With bamboo or kaoliang stalk into the ship, with paper or cloth, grain color, in the performers in the waist, or shoulder, the bottom cover your feet with a said the waves of blue cloth. Around the boat style, exquisite workmanship, generally 1.67 ~ 2.33 meters long, big up to 3 meters. Reportedly land boat is people's land area for festivals patriotic poet qu yuan's creation of a form. The earliest written records found in the middle-late tang dynasty literature, has more than 1000 years ago. Private land boat, dressed as a couple or father and daughter, more women in the boat, the man in the boat, fishing, boating in the aquatic life, main techniques in the women, cooperate with ship's ups and downs to make difficult moves, wind vortex, etc. Southern land boat gentle, dance and sing, rugged northern land boat movement, sometimes dozens of land boat competition, each scene was spectacular. Similar land boat and running donkey, sweetheart, is change the boat to the donkey, horse. The donkey run more rural playlet, such as husband and wife back, and they sometimes act out a story historical themes, such as fill, kuan escort sister-in-law, song taizu zhao li jing niang.

北京景点英语导游词 篇5


1909年,农历六月初四,成立游美学务处,总办周自齐。  1911年,农历四月初一,清华学堂开学。








北京景点英语导游词 篇6













北京景点英语导游词 篇7


辽、金时代,王府井只是一个不出名的村落,元代以后,人烟逐渐稠密 ,当时称之丁字街。明代,这里修起了十座王府,王府井也就初具规模,改 称十王府街。清代废十王,改称王府街或王府大街。1920xx年,北洋政府 绘制《北京四郊详图》时,把这条街划分为三段:北段称王府大街,中段称 八面槽,南段因有一眼甜井,与王府合称,就成了"王府井大街"。1920xx年,东安市场成立,老东安市场是北京人最爱逛的地方,1920xx年出版的《京华百二竹枝词》中有一首单说它的“新开各处市场宽,买物随心不费难,若论繁华首一指,请君城内赴东安”。由此足以见得东安的地位。

王府井的日用百货、五金电料、服装鞋帽、珠宝钻石、金银首饰等, 琳琅满目,商品进销量极大,是号称"日进斗金"的寸金之地。 近年来,王府井发展更快,从南口北京饭店入 街北行,只见牌匾高悬,店铺森然,人头攒动,如流水一般,从早到晚,每天进入这条街的中外顾客多达百万人次。这条大街现在已经拥有了亚洲最大的商业楼宇,密度最大、最集中的大型商场、宾馆与专卖店。王府井还是国内商业旅行社联结最近的大型购物场所,国有品牌、老字号最集中之地。这条充满现代气息、高品位、高标准的国际化中心商业街,与法国的香榭丽舍大街结为友好姊妹街,使它的国际地位不断提高。百货大楼、外文书店、丹耀大厦、工美大楼、王府女子百货商店、穆斯林大厦、新东安市场与盛锡福、同升和、东来顺、 全聚德、四联美发、百草药店构成了这条810米商气十足的现代化商业街。府井。二十世纪初期,王府井大街的商业活动进入了新时期,并跻身于北京四大商业区。



像埃菲尔铁塔(景区详情 )和香榭丽舍大街一样,北京王府井商业大街早已经名声在外了。而对于众多的国人来说,到北京一趟,逛王府井和爬长城一样,是必不可少的日程。不知从何时起,旅游、购物都不再挤到拥挤的市中心去了,居住地附近的各种档次的商场商厦、超市,使人们享受到了物质丰富的商品经济社会的好处。王府井大街几乎成了人们谈起物质贫乏时代的代名词,王府井大街在北京人、在中国人的心目中变得越来越模糊了。于是,王府井大街决心改变自己的面貌了,自一九九二年起王府井就开始悄悄地改变着自己的面貌,而九九年的八月,在经历了“八年抗战”之后终于以崭新的面貌和世人见面了。



北京景点英语导游词 篇8


鲁迅(1881一1936),渐江绍兴人,中国现代文学家、思想家、革命家。故居内为“鲁迅故居旧景陈列”,这是一座精巧的小四合院,南北房各三间,东西房各一间,一直保持着当年先生居住时的模样,南房是会客室,北屋东西两房间分别为鲁迅的母亲和朱安夫人的住室,中间一间为餐厅,北屋当中一间向北凸出一小间,面积仅8平方米,是先生的卧室兼书房,即著名的“老虎尾巴”,先生自称“绿林书屋”,陈设十分简朴。东厢房辟为展室,举办“鲁迅在北京西三条21号”展览。  该馆在1993年被西城区人民政府命名为青少年“两史一情”(中国近代史、中国革命史和国情)教育基地。

北京故宫英语导游词 篇9

Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good!My name is wang Dan,please call me Wang Dao,I am a travel agency "tomorrow will be better",I am your tour guide,we believe that our cooperation will be very happy.

Today we came to the Palace Museum,the Palace Museum,also known as the Forbidden City.In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle after seizing devotee,decided to move to Beijing,in 1406 started to build the palace,to the Ming yongle eighteen years(1420 AD) built.Palace city construction layout along the central axis spread out on both Huang Wa,paintings carved beams,glittering.The house number crunchers,strewn at random discretion,grand Tun skarn Xun,like fairyland.In the era of the feudal monarchy,ordinary Forbidden City palace is located in the city center,753 meters wide from east to west,north and south long 961 meters,covers an area of 723600 square meters,the ring around 10 meters high walls and a moat 52 meters wide,commonly known as TongZiHe.Walls all around of a gate,south of the meridian gate,the north said creature door,about to DongHuaMen,the xihua gate,the meridian gate and creature is exclusively for visitors.Ancient buildings in the city with a total area of about 160000 square meters.Forbidden City,the first part(the southern half) to taihe palace,zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center,with mandarin,Wu Ying second temple,referred to as "the outer court",Ming and qing dynasties is the emperor to handle affairs,the place of the meeting and other important ceremonies.Three main halls built in high 8.13 meters on the three layers of white marble stone stylobate.The hall of supreme harmony area of 2370 square meters,the high of 33.33 meters,double-hipped roof hip roof yellow glazed tile roof,is the tallest building in ancient Chinese architecture existence,is the symbol of the feudal imperial power,the emperor DengJi,flower,wedding,queen title-conferring are held here.Baohe Palace roof is faced jehiel mountain type,inside lineage in song and yuan column "reduced" French,open space,in the qing dynasty is held banquets maharaja,position,etc.

Chinese astronomers will all the stars in the sky into three constant,20 BaSu,thirty-one days district,one of the three constant is constant,and day city.So the ancients think of the Forbidden City is the seat of deeds,so called the purple palace.The emperor was the son of deeds,and to show its at the central,regal aura around the world.

Well,that's it for the one-day tour of the Forbidden City,we shall meet again,goodbye visitors!