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Pay one's respect at someone's gravesite 篇1


mourn one’s ancestors on “Qingming”, the traditional festival falling on 5th April


pay respects to a dead person at his tomb on Qingming

网上祭扫 online tomb-sweeping

网络纪念馆 Internet memorial

网上葬礼 online funeral

网上悼念 online tribute

祭祖/上供offer sacrifices to ancestors

焚香 burn incense


放风筝 kite flying

清明节如何翻译 篇2


Qingming Festival 篇3


清明活动的英文表达 篇4

寒食节 Cold Food Festival

祭祀节日 day of sacrifice

孝顺;孝心 filial piety

悼文 memorial essay

哀悼之情 condolence

哀悼仪式 mourning ceremony

殡葬用品 funeral supplies/products

纸钱 hell note/joss paper

纪念碑 memorial tablet

公墓“续租费”renewal fees

经营性公墓 commercial cemetery

经济适用墓 affordable grave

烈士陵园 martyrs cemetery

八宝山革命公墓 Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

十三陵 The Ming Tombs

全国哀悼 national mourning

全国哀悼日 national mourning day

Tomb Sweeping Day 篇5








其他相关英文表达 篇6


Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival?


Tomb-sweeping day is an important day for chinese.


Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.


We have three days free on Tomb-sweeping Day.


The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China.


The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.


According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the Qing m.niubb.net Ming Festival.

清明节的英文例句 篇7

1) The Chinese term for Tomb Sweeping Day is Qingming Jie (清明节), which means “clear and bright.” This name originated from Qingming Jieqi (清明节气), one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese solar calendar. This solar term comes after the Spring Equinox and lasts 15 days, while the weather is getting nice and warm.

1)清明节的中文名为“Qingming Jie”,意味着“清晰和明亮”。这个名字起源于清明节气——中国农历的24个节气之一。该节气在春分后,持续15天,期间天气越来越好,越来越暖。

2) During this period, people hang willow branches in memory of an official named Jie Zitui, who rather graphically cut his own flesh to feed a starving prince named Chong’er. After Chong’er became King Jinwen Gong, he remembered that he forgot to reward Jiezi Tui. When he went to Jie Zitui’s house, he found it empty; Jie had gone to Mian Mountain (绵山) to hide with his mother. Jinwen Gong set a fire around the mountain to smoke Jie Zitui out, but the official never appeared. After the fire burned out, Jinwen Gong found Jie and his mother’s corpses near a willow tree. In the tree hole, Jinwen Gong found a letter from Jie urging him to be a good king.


3) The custom of tomb sweeping varies according to different areas in China. In Hebei (or northern China), tomb sweeping starts a week before actual Tomb Sweeping Day. In the south, people sweep tombs the day before Tomb Sweeping Day; the eve is also known as Cold Food Day. No matter where you are, nobody actually sweeps tombs on Tomb Sweeping Day.


4) Qingming is also a time to welcome the spring and enjoy the changing of the seasons. Common outdoor activities include hiking, kite flying, and tree planting.


5) Not all Chinese ethnic minorities celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day, but there are 24 that do (thanks to the Hans’ influence) with sweeping tombs and their own customs. For example, the Tujia ethnic group eat pig heads and the Miao minority makes a type of pastry called Qingming Ba (清明耙) with mugwort and sticky rice.


6) People in the South of China eat qingtuan, a dumpling made out of glutinous rice and barley grass, but people in the North don’t have the same tradition.
