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at常用的`英文短语 篇1


1. at least至少,最低限度

2. at once立刻,马上

3. at times有时,偶尔

4. at the same time 同时

5. laugh at嘲笑

6. look at看望,注视

7. at first起先,首先

8. at last最后,终于

9. at work在工作,忙于

10. at present现在, 目前

11. arrive at达成,得出

12. at home在家(里)

13. arrive at / in a place到达某地

14. at breakfast /lunch /supper早/午/晚餐时

15. at least / most至少/ 至多

16. at night在晚上,在夜里


1. be good at在……方面擅长

2. be surprised at对…...感到惊奇

3. point at指向,指着

4. be at home/work在家/上班

5. at school在学校,在上课

6. at the age of在……几岁时

7. at the beginning of在……起初,开始

8. at the moment此刻,目前, 那时,当时

9. take a look (a last look) at

10. at the end of…在……之末

11. at the beginning of…在……之初

12. at the foot of…在……脚下

13. at night/noon在夜里/中午

14. knock on / at敲(门、窗等)

15. at eight在八点

16. have a look at看一看

17. at that time 在那时

18. be better at = do better in在。方面做得更好

19. stay at home呆在家

20. at a meeting在开会

21. at the beginning of ...的起初,...的开始

22. at this time of year在每年的这个时候

23. at the foot of the mountain在山脚下

24. knock at the door敲门

25. at the top of the mountain

26. not at all不点也不;别客气;根本不;一点也不


1. The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


2. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?


3. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.


4. I thought I'd enrol you with an art group at the school.


5. The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781.


6. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.


7. Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did.


8. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.


9. At approxi-mately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search.


10. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.


11. The Liberal Democrat'ssupport fell away at the last minute.


12. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.


13. Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.


14. The rate of inflation is running at about 2.7 percent.


15. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent.


at常用的英文短语 篇2

1. At bay:(经常和keep或hold连用)使……不能接近

One of the gangsters kept the police at bay until the rest escaped.

2. At bottom:实际上

Judy said she was not jealous of her friends' success, but at bottom, she was.

3. At close quarters:逼近地

The two rivals grappled at close quarters.

4. At cross purposes:互相误解

I think we are at cross purposes. When I said "J.C.", I meant "Jason Chen", not "John Chen".

5. At daggers drawn:势不两立

Dan and Bob have been at daggers drawn for years. There is no evidence that they will make up.

6. At every turn:处处

When you go downtown, you will see shops, big and small, at every turn.

7. At one fell swoop:一举

Which country can invade another country and conquer it at one fell swoop?

8. At issue:在讨论中的

The question asked was not relevant to the matter at issue .

9. At large:一般的;逍遥法外的。

a. The people at large support the government's various policies.

b. Some illegal immigrants were caught, but some others are still at large.

10. At length:详细地

Time did not allow the speaker to talk about the financial turmoil at length.

11. At loggerheads with……:经常和……争吵

Mr and Mrs Thang are often at loggerheads with each other. Why can't they get along well?

12. At a loss for words:不知说什么好

The news came so surprisingly that she was at a loss for words.

13. At a low ebb:处于低潮

Henry's mood seems to be at a low ebb now; let's cheer him up a bit.

14. At a price:付高代价

Some people became successful at a price; their health and family life were adversely affected.

15. At random:随意地

One may choose things at random, but not the prospective life partner.

16. At the ready:处在准备状态中

At the news conference, news reporters gathered around, pens and notebooks at the ready.

17. At sea:茫然

Those not interested in politics will be at sea when people discuss political issues.

18. At a stretch:连续地

In order to earn money, some workers do overtime works for a few days at a stretch.

19. At will:任意地

In a society like ours, one has to be law-abiding and not to do things at will.

20. At one's wits end:不知所措

Chased by the enemy to an abyss, the man could not advance any more, nor could he retreat; he was at his wits end.

21. At heart:在内心里;本质上

a. A good leader often has the people's interests at heart.

b. Though Xiao Gan works in a city, he is a country boy at heart.

22. At sixes and sevens:乱七八糟

When the maid returned to work after three days' leave, she found all the rooms at sixes and sevens.