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英语日记 篇1

It was already late when we set out for the next town, fifteen miles away on the other side of the hills. It got dark soon; we drove fast along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. We couldn't identify any sign of the town marked on the map. Suddenly the car stopped. We had run out of petrol. Therefore, although we had little food with us, we decided to spend the night in the car.

Our meal finished very soon. I went to sleep at once. But my companion Bill who was a poor sleeper went for a walk up the hills. From the top of the hill he saw the lights of the town we were looking for. We unloaded all our luggage and pushed the car to the top of the hill at once. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill. We reached the town less than a quarter, and found a hotel quite easily.

How an exhausting day!

在我们动身前往下一个镇的时候已经很晚了,那个镇在山的另一边离我们十五英里远。天黑得很快;我们沿着狭窄曲折的道路往山上的方向把车开得飞快。我们在地 图上找不到去那个镇的任何标志。汽车突然停了下来。我们的。汽油用完了。所以,虽然我们只有一点点食物,我们还是决定在车里过夜。

我们的晚餐很快就吃完了。我马上去睡觉。但我的同伴比尔睡眠质量不太好所以他就到山上去散步。从山顶上他看到我们正在寻找的镇的灯光。我们马上卸下我们所 有的行李,把车推到山顶。然后我们回去拿行李,把它装到车上之后就下山了。不到一刻钟我们就到达镇了,并且很快就找到一个酒店。


英语日记 篇2


Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.


短篇英语日记 篇3

last sunday,i went to my grandmother's home.my aunt and his family came here too.

i played with my cousin in the forest until lunch is ready.

i love my big family,i feel so warm living with them.

英语日记 篇4



正在这时,一位年轻的女老师笑容可掬地走了进来。“是Miss Lv!”我心里叫道!对Miss Lv我并不陌生,早在开学前我就认识她了,她还是我们的大队辅导员呢!Miss Lv漂亮的'脸蛋上戴着一副眼镜,腰里束着一根黑皮带。

上课了,Miss Lv在黑板上写下了“Unit 1 Hello”,又说了一串英语,意思是上课了。请班长说Stand up,自己说Sit down please,就上课了。Miss Lv教了我们五个单词,分别是Hello、Hi、Im、Good bye、Bye。又一个个问我们的名字,轮到我了,我说:“My name is Xia yu han。and nice to meet you!”快下课时,Miss Lv让我们玩击鼓传花的游戏。花落到谁手里,谁就用英语自我介绍。很快,下课铃声响了,一节英语课在快乐的游戏中结束了。

课后,Miss Lv说要选一位英语课代表,让大家选,同学们商量好后,异口同声地说:“夏语寒!”是我!我当上了英语课代表!这使我很兴奋,学习英语有了很大的动力。

英语日记 篇5

This morning i went to the english corner which is in the park near my home.It is three years since it was founded.Many middle school students as well as college students and foreigners take part in the activity.People there practice speaking english by talking about something interesting.

People also exchange the experience in english learning.I think it is a good chance for me to use what i have learnt in my english class.I felt very cool after i got back home.I’ll try my best to learn english better,for it is so widely used in the world.

3traffic today,i was late for school because the traffic was jam.I usually so to school by bike but i hurt my leg the day before yesterday.So i had’to go to school by taxi this morning.I left home very early.

When i took the taxi,i found the traffic bad.The traffic was so busy that the car couldn’t move at all.I think the government should get the road wider so that the car can run easily and smoothly.

英语日记 篇6

I live very happily today! in the morning, it is very fine! then i climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. in the afternoon, i go to friends home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his cd for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. coming back home in the evening, family and i sat and watched tv together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!