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parcel例句 篇1

1.He was parcel blind with age.他因年老眼睛近乎失明。

2.The postman is carrying a heavy parcel.邮递员提着一个沉重的包裹。

3.Just guess what is in the parcel.猜猜看包裹里面是什么东西?

4.This parcel is overweight by two kilos.这包裹超重两公斤。

5.The string around the parcel was slac≮≯k.打包裹的绳很松。

6.She undid the string round the parcel.她解开了绕在包裹上的绳子。

7.He undid the string round a parcel.他解开了绑包裹的绳子。

8.This parcel of land consists of 18 acres.这片土地有18英亩。

9.The parcel was directed to the wrong address.这邮包被寄错了。

10.He touched the parcel lightly with his fingertips.他轻轻地用指尖碰了碰包裹。

11.That is the parcel which came this morning.那就是早上送来的包裹。

12.He parceled out the land into small plots.他把那片土地分成小块。

13.They parceled up the books and posted them.他们把书本包好寄走了。

14.Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。

15.He tore at the wrapping of the parcel.他用力撕包裹的包装纸。

16.She was burdened with a large quantity of parcels.她吃力地捧着一大堆包裹。

17.Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.超时工作是他工作的基本特征

18.Africa was once parceled out among the European powers.非洲一度为欧洲列强所瓜分。

19.She carried the parcel in the crook of her arm.她把包裹挎在臂弯处。

is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook.形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部分。

parcel用法 篇2



parcel可接副词out表示“把…分成小部分”; 接副词up表示“把…包装起来”。


He used to parcel out jobs to representatives.他曾将工作分配各个代表。

He parceled up the books.他把书打成了包。

parcel词组 篇3

part and parcel 必要部分;重要的部分

part and parcel of 不可缺少的一部分

parcel post 邮政包裹;包裹邮递

land parcel 地块

air parcel n. 空运

parcel out 分配,把…分成几份

parcel of land 地片

parcel的意思 篇4

n. 包袱,包裹,(土地的)一块,一批,一群,(货物的)一宗

vt. 分,区分,把…划成部分后分配,给…打成包裹,把…拼在一起

变形:过去式: parcelled; 现在分词:parcelling; 过去分词:parcelled;