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万圣节适合儿童的歌曲 篇1

《Halloween Parade》

Lou Reed - Halloween Parade Lyrics

There's a down town fairy singing out "Proud Mary"

as she cruises Christopher Street

And some Southern Queen is acting loud and mean

where the docks and the Badlands meet

This Halloween is something to be sure

Especially to be here without you

There's a Greta Garbo and an Alfred Hitchcock

and some black Jamaican stud

There's five Cinderellas and some leather drags

I almost fell into my mug

There's a Crawford, Davis and a tacky Cary Grant

And some Homeboys lookin' for trouble down here from the Bronx

But there ain't no Hairy and no Virgin Mary

you won't hear those voices again

And Johnny Rio and Rotten Rita

you'll never see those faces again

This Halloween is something to be sure

Especially to be here without you

There's the Born Again Losers and the Lavender Boozers

and some crack team from Washington Heights

The boys from Avenue B and the girls from Avenue D

a Tinkerbell in tights

This celebration somehow get me down

Especially when I see you're not around

There's no Peter Pedantic saying things romantic

In Latin, Greek or Spic

There's no Three bananas or Brandy Alexander

Dishing all their tricks

It's a different feeling that I have today

Especially when I know you've gone away

There's a girl from Soho with a teeshirt saying "I Blow"

She's with the "jive five 2 plus 3"

And the girls for pay dates are giving cut rates

Or else doing it for free

The past keeps knock knock knocking on my door

And I don't want to hear it anymore

No consolations please for feelin' funky

I got to get my head above my knees

But it makes me mad and mad makes me sad

And then I start to freeze

In the back of my mind I was afraid it might be true

In the back of my mind I was afraid that they meant you

The Halloween Parade

At the Halloween parade

At the Halloween parade

See you next year - at the Halloween parade

最好听的万圣节英文歌曲 篇2

一、This Is Halloween——Danny Elfman

二、Into the Forest——Danny Elfman

三、Moon Dance——Danny Elfman

四、Full Moon ——Soundtrack

五、Zombie——The Cranberries MV

六、The Dominoes Fall ——Dario Marianelli

七、England Prevails——Dario Marianelli

八、Lestat's Recitative——Elliot Goldenthal

九、Evey Reborn——Dario Marianelli

十、Goodnight Moon—— Shivaree MV

十一、Theatre des Vampires——Elliot Goldenthal

十二、Scent of Death—— Elliot Goldenthal

十三、Ghosts—— James Vincent McMorrow

十四、Ghost Town——The Specials

十五、Theme From The X Files——The Un-Xplained

十六、Monster Mash——Bobby Boris Pickett

十七、Thriller——Michael Jackson

十八、Doctor blind——Emily Haines

十九、Ghostbusters - Justin Fletcher

二十、Scooby Doo, Where Are You

万圣节英文歌 中英对照 篇3

This Is Halloween


In this town,don’t we love it now?


Everybody’s waiting for the next surprise


(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:

Round that conrner,man hiding in the trash can


Something’s waiting now to pounce,and how you’ll scream


(Harlequin DeMon, Werewolf, and Melting man )滑稽恶魔&狼人&溶化人:

Scream!this is the Halloween


Red’n’black,silmy green


( Werewolf)狼人:

Aren’t you scared?



Well,that’s just fine


Say it once,say it twice


Take the chance and roll the dice


Ride with the moon in the dead of night


(Hanging tree)上吊树:

Everybody scream,everybody scream


(Hanged men)吊死鬼:

In our toen of Halloween



I am the clown with the tear-away face


here in a flasf and gone without a trace


(Second Ghoul)盗墓贼:

I am the “who”when you call,“Who’ there?”


I am the wind blowing through your hair


(Oogie Boogie Shadow)布奇和他的影子:

I am the shadow on the moon at night


Filling your dreams to the brin with fright


(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:

This is Halloween ,this is Halloween






万圣节适合儿童的歌曲 篇4

《Trick or treat》

《Trick or treat》歌词

Knock, knock, open the door!

Hello! Hello! Trick or treat!

Trick or treat! Trick or treat!

Candy, cookies all for me!

Thank you! Thank you!

Knock, knock, open the door!

Hello! Hello! Trick or treat!

Trick or treat! Trick or treat!

Bubble gum all for me!

Thank you! Thank you!

Happy Halloween!

《Trick or treat》歌词大意












万圣节英文歌曲 篇5

《All Souls Night》(魂灵夜)

演唱:罗琳娜-麦肯妮特(Loreena McKennitt)


Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides

Figures dance around and around

To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness

Moving to the pagan sound.

Somewhere in a hidden memory

Images float before my eyes

Of fragrant tonight's of straw and of bonfires

And dancing till the next sun

I can see the lights in the distance

Trembling in the dark cloak of night

Candles and lanterns are dancing,dancing

A waltz on All Souls Night.

Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows

Held up tall as the flames leap high

The green knight holds the holly bush

To mark where the old year passes by.

Standing on the bridge that crosses

The river that goes out to the sea

The wind is full of a thousand voices

They pass by the bridge and me.

万圣节英文儿童歌曲 篇6

1) The Trapeze Swinger

2) Devil Woman

3) Thriller

4) If I Could Fly

5) Halloween Parade

6) I Want Candy

7) I Want Out

8) Witch Doctor

9) Graveyard

10) Your Turn

11) The Eve of All Hallows

12) All Souls Night

13) Panic! At The Disco

14) This Is Halloween

15) Five Little Pumpkins

16) Halloween

17) Ghostbusters

18) I Want Out

19) Happy Halloween

20) trick or treat

万圣节适合儿童的歌曲 篇7

Hello there!

Don’t be scared! Con’t you see?

We want candy!Give us some!

We’ll have some fun.

And we’ll come back for another one!

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

If you don’t, that’s okay.

We’ll come back another day.

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

not too big, not too small.

Just the size of a bowling ball.

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

Give me candy Give me cookies

Halloween is coming.

Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋

Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚

Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西

Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵

Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你

The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上

She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子

She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛

She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵

We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西

If you don’t, I don’t care. 如果你不给,没关系

I’ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西

Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果

And I won’t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

适合万圣节英语儿歌歌词 篇8

1、Say Boo!

On Halloween

What do we do?

We don’t say, “Hi”

We say, “Boo!”

Say, “Boo!”

To you

To you

We say,”Boo!”

On Halloween

What do we do?

We don’t say, “Hi”

We say, “Boo!”

2、Trick or Treat

The very best part of Halloween

Is getting more candy than you’ve ever seen.

I’ve got my scariest costume on.

I scare myself when I’m all alone.

Sun goes down, I’m all dressed up,

I set out to try my luck.

Walkin’ up and down the street,

I knock on the door and say…

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

The very first house is big and dark,。.。

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

The very next house is big and white,。.。

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

If you go out Halloween night,

I’ll give you a tip that’ll make it all right.

Smile at everyone that you meet.

Knock on the door and say…

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give me something good to eat.

3、Hello there!

Don’t be scared! Con’t you see?

We want candy!Give us some!

We’ll have some fun.

And we’ll come back for another one!

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

If you don’t, that’s okay.

We’ll come back another day.

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

not too big, not too small.

Just the size of a bowling ball.

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give me something good to eat.

Give me candy Give me cookies

Halloween is coming.