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英语教案-Unit 篇1

高一英语教案unit 13period 1

(一) 明确目标

1. warming up to arouse the students' love in talking.

2. do some listening to improve the students' listening ability.

3. making simple dialogues to train the students' speaking ability.

(二) 整体感知

step 1 presentation

every day i have food. food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. but have you ever thought what you eat is junk food or healthy food? today we're going to learn something about food.


step 2

(1) open your books on page 1 and look at the eight pictures in it. discuss in pairs what are junk foods or healthy foods.

(2) ask your classmates what they like to eat. and fill the table.

step 3

now let's have some listening training.

step 4

everyone wants to be healthy and strong. but sometimes we are not feeling well. when we' re ill, we' d better go and see a doctor and the doctor will look over us and give us some advice. now we’re going to practice some everyday english used by doctors and patients. here are three situations for you. choose one of them and make up a dialogue with your partner according to the example given and then act out.


step 5

today we've done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday english used between doctors and patients.



1. tomorrow   (be) friday.

2. the geography teacher told me tile earth    (move) around the sun.

3. he thinks it    (grow) taller next year.

4. he is always     (think) of himself never thinking of others.

5. how    you (get) along with your classmates?

6. look! there    (come) a bus.


1. is 2. moves 3. will grow 4. thinking 5. are getting 6. comes   period 2


1. learn and master the following words and expressions: make choices, pace, diet, nutrient, muscle, bean, keep up with, fibre, mineral, chemical balance, fit, be good for, function, and be harmful to.

2. develop the students' reading ability.


step 1 presentation

today we come to the reading. it's about a healthy diet and tells file importance of keeping a hal- mined diet. read the text quickly and answer the following questions.

step 2

1. what do traditional diets often have?

a. too much water

b. too much protein

c. too much fat and too many calories

d. nutrients we need

2. what can help our body fight disease and give us energy?

a. vitamins, fibre and minerals.

b. pork and fish

c. water

d. calcium

3. what contains a lot of protein?

a. vegetables

b. fruits

c. vitamins

d. fish, meat and beans

4. why do some people become vegetarians?

a. because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food..

b. because they think meat is not "eco-foods".

c. because they think meat will make them fat.

d. because riley think meat will make them thin.

5. from the passage we can conclude that it is probably better, if

a. we eat less meat

b. we have more fruit

c. we have "eco-foods"

d. we buy good food and keep a balanced diet.


step 3

read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.

step 4

play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

step 5

l. do post-reading 1.2.

2. discuss the questions below, first in pair, then with the rest of the class.

(1)why do people go to fast food restaurant?

(2)why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?

(3)why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

(4)what can we do to keep a balanced diet?



l. they made some chinese friends in beijing so as to improve their chinese better.

2. he advised my giving up smoking.

3. they try to keep a balancing diet.

4. only in this way we will be ready for the challenges in life.

5. if our diet including foods from all the food groups, we do not have to buy any supplements.


1. 去掉better

2. my giving 改为 me to give

3. balancing 改为balanced

4. we will 改为 will we

5. including 改为 includes

period 3


1. review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expression.

2. learn how to use "had better", "should" and "ought to" while giving advice.


step 1 presentation

in the class we’re going to review the words we learnt and also learn how to give advice using "had better, should, and ought to".


step 2

please open your books on page 5. on the top of it there are some words and phrases in the form. match them with the proper expressions.

step 3

after finishing the word-matching, the teacher can tell the students when people use "had better or had better not", "should or should not", "ought to or ought not to". then have the students fill in the blanks in a right way.


step 4

we have learnt how to give advice. now let’s try to write letters giving advice. here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not)', "ought (not) to or should (not)'.



1. the teacher advised him __ (不要在马路上玩)

2. _________ (培养健康的饮食习惯) is my important.

3. _________(选择吃什么) is no longer as easy as it once was.

4. because they think we _____________(不该杀动物来做食物 ).

5. ________ (代替) eating expensive foods, they did more exercises.


1. not to play on the road

2. developing/to develope healthy eating habits.

3. choosing/to choose what to eat

4. should not kill animals for food.

5. instead of

period 4

(一)明确目标 1. do some reading about snacks. 2. do some writing to develope the students' writing skill.

(二)整体感知 step 1 many students like having snacks. is the habit good or bad? let's read “snacks".

(三)教学过程 step 2 after fast reading, do the following true-or-false exercises. 1. our body doesn't need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals. 2. good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar. 3. fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins. 4. most fruits need cooking. 5. fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.

参考答案: 1. f 2.t 3.f 4.f 5f step 3 give the students some explanations when necessary. step 4 play the tape and have the students follow. (四)总结扩展 step 5 have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. before writing, you should read tips first.

小学一年级英语教案 篇2


1. 能够运用已经学过的句型谈论五官、动物、或文具。

2. 说出并画出兔子喜欢吃的食物。

3. 完成B Let’s play部分。




1. 复习动物单词、形容词、及Do you like…?句型及其回答:Yes./No. I like…It has…

2. 教师播放录音,根据录音进行提问,检查学生听得是否正确。

如:T:1。确认学生对人物的认知程度:what can you see?

SS: bill, lily ……

Whst does Bill like?


3. 教师启发学生回答出Angel在干什么

What does the rabbit like?


4、 教师指导学生联线题:

下面老师要播放一录音,你们要根据听到的内容帮助小动物们找到自己的食物? 强调:要在老师播放录音后,再连。不能自己没听录音就动手。听老师话的同学老师要奖励。






4.在投影下核对答案,老师提示学生angel and rabbit


4. 完成B 项Pair work:


5. 故事教学:

1. 整体介绍故事内容:



2. 教师出示教学挂图,播放录音,让学生根据录音试着指出相应的图,鼓励能重复录音中句子的学生。

3. 教师重复播放录音,让学生在理解的基础上重复听到的句子。


4. 学生戴上头饰,分角色表演


5. 教师反复播放录音,让学生多听,边听边做动作,以增强对课文的理解和记忆。

Fun time的学习并不一定要求学生都掌握

5. Summary: homework : 带剪刀,A4 或B5 彩纸一张。

小学一年级英语教案 篇3


1、 Structures

New: What shape is it?

It’s a (square)。

Review: What is this? It’s a (dog)。

2、 Vocabulary

New: a square, a circle, a triangle, a rectangle, a star, a heart

Review: a rabbit, a bird, a mouse, a lion, a tiger, a panda, a net, a nest


1. 第7单元单词卡片。

2. 本单元单词卡片:triangle, rectangle, square, circle, star, heart

3. 本单元挂图。

4. 剪刀、蜡笔和彩笔。


1. Warm-up

(1) 教师说:“Stand up.”学生在教室里走动,伸展胳膊。

(2) 教师说:“Tiger.”学生模仿虎的动作和声音。

(3) 重复以上步骤依次复习第7单元学过的动物。学生继续在教室里走动 并模仿动物的动作。

(4) 教师说:“Sit down.”然后举起动物的卡片问:“What is it?”学生 回答:“It’s a (tiger)。”

(5) 用同样的步骤复习所有学过的动物的单词。

2. Preview


(1) 举起方形的卡片让学生看。指着卡片说:“It’s a square.”呈现单 词square, 至少示范两遍。让全体学生跟读,然后指着卡片引导单个 学生读。

(2) 重复以上步骤,呈现下列新单词:circle, triangle.

(3) 举起不同形状的卡片,先让全体学生然后让单个学生说出形状的名称。

3. Presentation of new language



4. Homework



小学一年级英语教案 篇4








2、通过用“Show me.。.。”的指令来练习和运用有关颜色的单词。


















T:Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello,boys and girls.

S:Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello,teacher/。.。.

T:How are you?

S:Fine,thank you./I’mfine,thank you/。.。.


T:Let's play a game,OK?







(1)从复习3中引进新课,问What colour is the sharpener?教师自答:It’sred/Red.

















(1)教师举起蜡笔并发指令Show me your crayon.当学生拿起自己的蜡笔后让学生边说边做Show me your crayon.反复练习。

(2)练习完后,教师拿起一枝红色的蜡笔,问:What colour is it?学生答It’sred.师接着说:Yes,red crayon.并领读。

(3)教师反复发指令:Show me your red crayon.并拿起red crayon,让学生通过教师的动作明白句子的意思,继而引导学生模仿。按此法逐一引出blue crayon,green crayon,yellow crayon,purple crayon.



3.Computer game:Shoot the balloon.




























英语教案-Unit 篇5

高一必修1 英语教案

unit 2 english around the world (reading)

unit 2 english around the world

reading  the road to modern english

period 1: a sample lesson plan for reading

(the road to modern english)


to talk about varieties of english

to read about the history of english language


i. warming up

1. warming up by answering a questionnaire

1). tell the students they are going to answer a questionnaire about why they are learning english.

2). write the words: reasons for learning a foreign language on the center of the board:

3). ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for example, for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the internet, to pass exams, etc. write their suggestions on the board as they make them.

4). divide the class into pairs.

5). give out each student one questionnaire paper.

6). explain the task. the students must question each other about their language learning needs (or motivations). tell them that you are going to take in the questionnaires at the end, and that you’d like them to make clear notes. it works better if the two partners swap tasks (questions and answers) after each section of the questionnaire. if they wait till the end to swap, one student may use up all the time available.

7). when the task is finished, ask a couple of students to summarize their partners’ answers. (this may develop into a class discussion about language needs).

8). the students write five sentences on their feeling about learning english.

9). collect the questionnaires.

needs analysis questionnaire



present use: situations and skills

reading (faxes, letters & reports)

listening & speaking (telephoning, meetings, negotiations, public speaking, socializing)

writing (faxes, letters & reports)

future use: expectations & ambitions

2. further applying

to get the students thinking about the topic of the reading passage.

1). have a student list on the board all the english-speaking countries in the world that they can think of.

2). give the students hints about the places they haven’t mentioned.

3). provide the students with an opportunity to think about the reasons for the spread of english around the world.

★ english is one of the official languages of the olympic games and the united nations.

★ english dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.

★ tourism and trade from western europe and north america has contributed to the spread of english.

★ satellite tv, radio programs like joy fm, cds and, of course, hollywood films all broadcast english into china. also, a number of chinese films include english subtitles.

ii. reading

1. skimming

read quickly to get the main idea of the text.

let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words.

paragraph 1: the spread of the english language in the world

paragraph 2: native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.

paragraph 3: all languages change when cultures communicate with one another.

paragraph 4: english is spoken as a foreign language or second language in africa and asia.

2. scanning

read to locate particular information and complete the comprehending exercise one.

3. following up

work in groups. discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.

1). do you think it matters what kind of english you learn? why?

possible answer:

i don’t think so. here are the reasons:

★ native speakers from different parts of the world have no difficulty in understanding each other despite the fact that they speak a bit differently.

★ it is necessary for us to learn the narrow difference between different kinds of english if we hope to communicate fluently with native speakers of english from all over the world.

★ different kinds of english have the same language core. if you have got a good command of one kind, you will almost have no difficulty understanding another kind of english.

(any persuasive and supporting reason the students give can be accepted.)

1) why do you think people all over the world want to learn english?

possible answer:

the reasons why people all over the world want to learn english:

★ with economy globalization, english has become the best bridge to serve the purpose of people all over the world communicating with one another.

★ however, like all major languages in the world, english is always changing. in order to adjust to native speakers from different parts of the world, it is a must for people all over the world to learn english, whether in english speaking countries or in non-english speaking countries.

★ also, people from different parts of the world speak english with various accent and dialects, and people have to learn about the difference between different kinds of english in order to avoid misunderstanding while communicating.

(all persuasive reasons can be accepted.)

4. language focus:

1) even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: he likes to help us even if he is very busy.

2) communicate with: exchange information or conversation with other people: he learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers.

3) actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you have just said: we’ve known for years. actually, since we were babies.

4) be based on…:

5) make use of: use sth. available

6) only time will tell: to say that something can only be known in the future: will china’s national football team enter for the next finals of the world cup? only time will tell.

language chunks from unit 2 english around the world

be different from, pay a role(part) in, because of, either …or…, in/on a team, the number of/a number of, than ever before, even if, comp up to, over time, communicate with, be based on, make use of, have one’s own identity, such as, only time can tell, native speaker, as well as, solve a problem, believe it or not, no such a…, all over the world, at the top(bottom) of, pen friends, to this day, sum up, pardon?, beg your pardon, go abroad, be used for, more of a …, encourage sb. to do sth., work on, feel like sth., from time to time, english-speaking countries, from one…to another, do business, on the air, would like sb. to do, make notes, fight against, keep…a secret, even though, save time(money), a form of…

period 2: a sample lesson plan for learning about language

(indirect speech (ii) requests & commands)


to discover useful words and expressions

to discover useful structures


i. direct and indirect speech

direct speech indirect speech

simple present

he said, “i go to school every day.” simple past

he said (that) he went to school every day.

simple past

he said, “i went to school every day.” past perfect

he said (that) he had gone to school every day.

present perfect

he said, “i have gone to school every day.” past perfect

he said (that) he had gone to school every day.

present progressive

he said, “i am going to school every day.” past progressive

he said (that) he was going to school every day.

past progressive

he said, “i was going to school every day.” perfect progressive

he said (that) he had been going to school every day,

future (will)

he said, “i will go to school every day.” would + verb name

he said (that) he would go to school every day.

future (going to)

he said, “i am going to school every day.” present progressive

he said (that) he is going to school every day.

past progressive

he said (that) he was going to school every day

direct speech indirect speech

auxiliary + verb name

he said, “do you go to school every day?”

he said, “where do you go to school?” simple past

he asked me if i went to school every day.*

he asked me where i went to school.


he said, “go to school every day.” infinitive

he said to go to school every day.

direct speech indirect speech

simple present + simple present

he says, “i go to school every day.” simple present + simple present

he says (that) he goes to school every day.

present perfect + simple present

he has said, “i go to school every day.” present perfect + simple present

he has said (that) he goes to school every day.

past progressive + simple past

he was saying, “i went to school every day.” past progressive + simple past

he was saying (that) he went to school every day.

past progressive + past perfect

he was saying (that) he had gone to school every day.

direct speech indirect speech


he said, “i can go to school every day.” could

he said (that) he could go to school every day.


he said, “i may go to school every day.” might

he said (that) he might go to school every day.


he said, “i might go to school every day.”


he said, “i must go to school every day.” had to

he said (that) he had to go to school every day.

have to

he said, “i have to go to school every day.”


he said, “i should go to school every day.” should

he said (that) he should go to school every day.

ought to

he said, “i ought to go to school every day.” ought to

he said (that) he ought to go to school every day.

ii. discovering useful words and expressions

1. work in pairs. do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. then check the answer you’re your classmates. the teacher helps the students discover the difference in prepositions.

2. play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to mark the sentence stress and intonation. then practice reading in pairs.

(the teacher brings the students’ attention to the british and american words that are different but have the same meaning.)

iii. discovering useful structures

(making commands and requests using indirect speech)

1. in groups of four, think of at least three commands your teachers and parents usually give.

you may follow these steps.

1) choose one who is to give the first command.

2) ask another person in your group to tell somebo

英语教案-Unit 篇6

新课标 高一必修1 英语教案

unit 1 friendship (全套教案)

teaching plan unit one friendship

teaching aims:

1. 能力目标:

a. listening: get information and views from the listening material;

b. speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.

c. reading: enable the ss to get the main idea

d. writing: write some advice about making friend as an editor

2. 知识目标:

a. talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship

b. use the following expressions:

i think so. / i don’t think so.

i agree. / i don’t agree.

that’s correct.

of course not.


i’m afraid not.

c. to enable the ss to control direct speech and indirect speech

d. vocabulary: add point upset calm concern careless loose cheat reason list share feeling thought german series outdoors crazy moonlight purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice quiz editor communicate situation habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

3. 情感目标:

a. to arose ss’ interest in learning english;

b. to encourage ss to be active in the activities and make ss to be confident;

c. to develop the ability to cooperate with others.

4. 策略目标:

a. to develop ss’ cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening;

b. to develop ss’ communicative strategies.

5. 文化目标:to enable the ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.

teaching steps:

period one

step1. warm-up

1. ss listen to an english song auld lang syne.

2. brainstorming: let ss say some words about friendship – honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful….

step 2. talk about your old friends

1. ss talk about their old friends in junior middle school, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.

2. self-introduction

step 3. make new friends

1. ss go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following form

name age/hobbies/favorite sports, books, …

2. report to the class: who will probably be your friend why.

step 4. do a survey

ss do the survey in the text ,p1

sep 5. listening and talking

do wb p41 (talking). while ss listen to the material, ask them to take notes about the speaker’s views of making friends.

when ss make their conversation, ask them to try to use the following expressions.

i think so. / i don’t think so. i agree. / i don’t agree.

that’s correct. of course not. exactly. i’m afraid not.

step 6. discussion

divide ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss. there are four topics.

topic 1: why do you need friends? make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

topic 2: there is a saying “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” what do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?

topic 3: does a friend always have to be a person? what else can be your friend? why?

topic 4: list some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.

step 7. summary

1. ask ss themselves to summarize what is friendship and what is the most important in making friends.

2. t shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship.

what is friendship?

i want to find the answer to the question

what is friendship?

when it rains, i think friendship is a small umbrella.

it can give me a piece of clear sky.

when i’m crying, i think friendship is a white handkerchief.

it can wipe my tears dry.

when i am sad, i think friendship is a warm word.

it can bring me happiness again.

when i am in trouble, i think friendship is a strong hand.

it can help me escape my troubles.

when i sit in a quiet place, i think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.

it can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.

it is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.

3. tell ss: make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.

step 8. evaluation

ss finish the following evaluation form. standard: a, b,c

contents 自评 他评

1. i’m active in talking with others.

2. i’m active in cooperating with others.

3.i can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately.

4. i know more about friendship after this lesson..

5. do you think you need to improve yourself in some aspects? which aspects?


1. look up the new words and expressions in warm-up and pre-reading in a dictionary.

2. write a short passage about your best friend.

period two

step1.warming up

activity1: suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. you can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. you have no telephone, computer, or tv at home.

how would you feel?

what would you do?

four students a group discuss with each other for 2 minutes.

activity2: play a short part of the movies schindler’s list

step2. predicting

students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess:

who is anne’s best friend?

what will happen in the passage?

step3. skimming

students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea :

who is anne’s best friend?

when did the story happen?

step4. scanning

students work in pairs to find the information required below:


in world war ⅱ

step5. intensive reading

students work in group of four to discuss the following open questions:

1.why did the windows stay closed?

2.how did anne feel?

3.what do you think of anne?

4.guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).

5.which sentences attract you in the passage?

step6. activity

four students a group to discuss the situation:

suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. during the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. your group can take 5 things with you.

what will you take? why?

how will you spend the 3 months?

how will you treat each other and make friends ?


task1.surf the internet to find anne’s diary and read some of it. print out a piece of the diary and write down your feelings after reading it on the page. we will share the pieces and your feelings with the whole class.

task2.ex2.3on page3

period three

step 1. warming up

check the ss’ assignment: task 2

step 2. language points:

1. add (v.)

1). to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

please add something to what i’ve said, john.

2). to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加

add up these figures for me, please.

add to something: to increase 增加

what he did has added to out difficulties.

add up to: to amount to 加起来等于;总计

the cost added up to 100 million yuan.

2. cheat v. 1). to act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊

2). (of, out of) to take from (someone) in a dishonest way 骗取

they cheated the old woman out of her money by making her sign a document she didn’t understand.

n. 1). an act of cheating 作弊行为

2). one who cheats 骗子

3. go through

1). to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究

i went through the students’ papers last night.

2). to experience 经历,遭受或忍受

you really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.

4. crazy (adj.)

1). mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的

it’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.

2). wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的

she is crazy about dancing.

5. lonely (adj.) unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤独的,寂寞的

he has been very lonely since his wife left him.



1). without or separated from others 单独的

she lives alone.

2). only 仅仅,只有。用于名词或代词之后。

the gloves alone cost $ 80.

leave/let sb. or sth. alone: not take, touch or interfere with sb or sth 不带走,不触摸,不干涉某人或某事

leave that alone. it’s mine.

she has asked to be left alone.

6. be concerned about/for: be worried about 担心

we’re all concerned about her safety.

7. upset:

1). adj. worried; sad; angry; not calm 不安,心烦意乱, 生气

he is upset.

2). v. cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm 使不安,使生气

his cheating on the exam upset his teacher.

8.well n. 井 adj. 身体好 adv. 好 int. 噢,

george was well and truly drunk.

i couldn’t very well say no when there was no one else she could ask.

9. spellbind: to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人,是入迷

the children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.

step 3. learning about language

1. finish ex.1, 2 and 3. on page 4.

2. direct speech and indirect speech: ss do ex.1 and 2 on page 5. then let the ss themselves discover the structures.

step 4. practice

using structures on page 42: ask the ss to use indirect speech to retell the story.

step 5. assignment

finish wb. ex, 1 and2 on page 41 and 42.

period four

step 1. revision

check the ss’ assignment.

step 2. reading

ss read the letter on page 6


1. get along with

2. fall in love

step 3. listening

ss should take notes while they are listning.

1. first listening: ss listen and answer the questions of part 2 on page 6.

2. second listening: ss listen again and finish part 3 on page 6.

step 4. listening

ss listen to a story about anne and try to finish wb. ex 1 and 2 on page 43 and page 44.

step 5. speaking

ss work in groups of four. design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. they can use the quiz in the warming up to help them.

step 6. assignment

1. ss prepare the reading task on page 44.

2. surf the internet and find some material about friendship in different countries.

period five

step 1. warming up

ss say something about making friends and how to maintain friendship.

step 2. listening

ss listen to a short passage and fill in the blanks on page 41 (listening).

step 3. reading

1. first reading: ss read the passage about friendship in hawaii and finish page 45.

2. second reading: ss read again and discuss the questions on page 45.

3. ss share their material about friendship in different countries in groups, and then choose some groups to show theirs in class.

step 4. discussion

what do you and your friends think is cool?

ss look at the photos on page 46 and in groups of four talk about whether what they are doing is cool or not .

ask ss to use the following sentences while they talk:

i think that… is cool/ isn’t cool because ….

i think so.

i don’t think so.

i agree with you.

i don’t agree with you.

step 5. assignment

ss collect some proverbs about friendship.

period six

step 1. pre-writing

1. read a letter from a student called xiaodong.

2. go over the advice on page 7 and be ready for writing.

step 2. while-writing

ask the ss to write a letter to xiaodong as an editor and give him some advice.

1. ss make a list about the important information that they need.

2. ss begin to write the letter to xiaodong.

3. ss revise their letters by themselves.

4. ss exchange their writing paper with their partners and correct the mistakes. (tense, spelling, letters, structures….)

5. ss get back their own writing paper and write the letter again.

step 3. post-writing

choose some students’ writing paper and show in the class. ask the ss to correct the mistakes together and also learn from some good writings.

step 4. writing for fun

1. ss read the passage on page 7 by themselves.

2. ss try to write a few lines to describe their best friends or a person they know.

3. show some ss’ writings in class.

step 5.assignment

do wb writing task on page 46.

period seven

teachers can use this period freely.

suggestion: teachers can use this period to let ss sum up what they have learned and explain what ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the ss have learned. finally, ask the ss to finish checking yourself on page 47. it is very important to improve their learning.

小学一年级英语教案 篇7


复习有关衣物的单词。 复习本课句型:What’s this? It’s a …。 和What are they? They are …。 学习歌曲,并根据歌曲做动作。








1、 复习单词:Game: What’s missing? 培养学生的学习兴趣

2、 打开书第39页,观察图片后,老师指着晾衣绳上的衣服问: ”What’s this?”或 ”What are these?” 并让学生们做出相应回答。 而后,让学生拿出铅笔,将虚线连起来,看一看谁回答正确了, 最后将单词与图片正确连线并用水彩笔涂上自己喜欢的颜色。 (用已经学过的句子I like…练习。) 培养学生的观察能力和识词能力

3、 翻到书上第34页,让学生观察图片,同时想一想 ”How many children are in the picture?” ”Who are they?” ”What are they doing?” “What color are the clothes?”,而后请学生说一说。 培养学生的观察能力和说话能力

4、 请学生合上书,听第35页的有关内容,第一遍边听边重复,第二 遍听后举手重复,比赛谁举手最快,说对得一分。 培养学生的听力和竞争意识

5、 学习歌曲:

a. 首先完整地听一遍歌曲,让学生发现歌曲里面熟悉的词句。

b. 听第二遍歌曲时,老师边做动作边跟着录音唱,让学生跟着老师 做动作,进一步熟悉歌曲的旋律。

c. 学生尝试自己跟着录音唱,边唱边做动作。

d. 反复唱几遍,直到熟练。也可以分成小组,轮流表演,比一比哪

e. 一组最棒。培养学生的听力和表现力 The blackboard (板书设计)

小学一年级英语教案 篇8





































































