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He reduces the cost of ownership by publishing papers, FAQs, and journalarticles to reduce the client's learning curve.


"There should be a clear career path for promotions and awards, " he , with less emphasis on extraneous factors, such as the number ofpapers published.


发表论文 英语怎么说

The society also says that publishing models in which researchers pay to submitor publish papers "introduce a new disincentive to the exchange of knowledge"。


Measured by the number of published papers, China is the second mostproductive scientific nation on Earth.


"A researcher is rewarded and promoted largely based on the number ofpublished papers, which poses dangerous incentives for researchers to commitfraud," he said.


Probably she or he is out there today, working on the equations, getting ready topublish the paper that will win the Nobel Prize.


Many institutions, for example, stipulate that doctoral candidates cannot gain theirPhD unless they have published one paper before graduation.


Other parents worry about college admissions, so they push their kids to developtheir resume by publishing papers in science journals and building computers forthe homeless.


Plagiarism in Iran could arise from difficulties with English or from pressure topublish as a condition for promotion, says the editorial.


Shen called for an end to the paper publishing burden on teachers, researchersand students.


There's less pressure to constantly publish papers.


"But we plan to stipulate that papers published in the leading domestic journalsshould result in the same rewards as those published in leading internationallyjournals, " Wu said.


They can gain knowledge, learn international best practice and improve theirchances of getting published in high-quality journals.


Yet like many equally accomplished researchers, he was forced to endure longdelays when trying to publish papers in medical journals


The scores measure the citation visibility of established journals and ofresearchers who publish in them.


They must strive to publish in internationally-recognised publications so they stay'in the loop' of scientific discussions.


The usual way to accomplish this is to develop expertise in a relatively narrowarea and publish like mad in it.


Others suggest that universities' policy of promoting teachers according to thequantity, rather than the quality, of their published output plays a role.


Chinese scientists who publish research in internationally famous journals oftenearn several times more than their colleagues whose work is less prominent.


Researchers and lecturers desperate to succeed in China's 'publish or perish'system have driven a five-fold increase in the country's scientific 'paper trade', aresearcher has found.


He is a reviewer of technical journals and conferences and published more than30 articles.


The authors of the paper in Health Affairs say this is all the more reason torevoke the exemption and subject the technique to proper testing in studies ofO.C.D. patients.


The authors of the paper in Health Affairs say this is all the more reason torevoke the exemption and subject the technique to proper testing in studies ofO.C.D. patients.

发表论文的英文释义: 篇2

publication of academic papers